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Employment and social prote...
Employment and social protection policies from crisis to recovery and beyond : a review of experience : an ILO report to the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers Meeting, Washington, D.C., 20-21 April 2010
ILO 2010

Thirteen policies pertaining to employment and social protection are reviewed in this document. The details of the policy measures are examined, with examples of countries having applied them, an indication of likely coverage, and some analysis of the rationale of the policy in relation to the crisis and the recovery. They are grouped in three parts: social protection, employment and training and labour demand. The policies reviewed in this document are essentially those identified in the Global Jobs Pact adopted by the International Labour Conference in June 2009

Conference paper. ILO pub. Document de conférence. Pub OIT. Documento de conferencia. Pub OIT.


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Employment and social protection policies from crisis to recovery and beyond : a review of experience : an ILO report to the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers Meeting, Washington, D.C., 20-21 April 2010 / International Labour Office
Geneva : ILO, 2010
Descripción física:
115 pages : statistics
Social protection -- Unemployment benefits -- Active labour market policies -- Working time reductions -- Employment services -- Wage policies -- Migrant workers -- Labour inspection -- Social dialogue -- Small and medium-sized enterprises -- Hiring subsidies -- Infrastructure spending -- Public works programmes
Detalles del sistema:
Mode of access: World Wide Web (available in electronic format only)
Oficina Internacional del Trabajo
G20 Labour and Employment Ministers Meeting ( 2010 :. Washington, D.C.)

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