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The dialect laboratory : dialects as a testing ground for theories of language change
John Benjamins Publishing Company 2012

Much theorizing in language change research is made without taking into account dialect data. Yet, dialects seem to be superior data to build a theory of linguistic change on, since dialects are relatively free of standardization and therefore more tolerant of variant competition in grammar. In addition, as compared to most cross-linguistic and diachronic data, dialect data are unusually high in resolution. This book shows that the study of dialect variation has indeed the potential, perhaps even the duty, to play a central role in the process of finding answers to fundamental questions of the


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The dialect laboratory : dialects as a testing ground for theories of language change / edited by Gunther De Vogelaer, Guido Seiler
Amsterdam : John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2012
Descripción física:
1 online resource (304 pages)
Mención de serie:
Studies in Language Companion Series
Nota general:
1.2 Intermediate or unstable stages and general linguistics
Includes bibliographical references and index
1. About this book; 2. Contributions of dialect evidence to hypotheses of historical linguistics: A synopsis; 2.1 Dialect evidence in the context of the Neogrammarian Hypothesis; 2.2 A structural dialectology is possible; 2.3 Sociolinguistics and change; 2.4 The discovery of dialects by generative linguistics; 2.5 Usage-based and evolutionary approaches; 2.6 Dialects in an emerging sociolinguistic typology; 3. This volume; 4. Open questions; References; The evolutionary-emergence model of language change; 1. Introduction
2. Background: Existing models of language change3. Introducing the evolutionary-emergence model; 3.1 Emergence at the level of the utterance, speaker, and community; 3.2 Emergence at the levels of norms and fashions; 3.3 Summary of the model; 4. Testing the evolutionary-emergence model: TRAP-retraction and the LOT~THOUGHT merger in Southern Illinois English; 5. Conclusion; References; Dialect data, lexical frequency and the usage-based approach; 1. The contribution of dialect data to theories of language change; 1.1 The generative tradition
1.2 Usage-based theories of language structure and language change2. The North Mid C dialect area; 3. Sound change and lexical frequency; 4. Frequency effects in the North Mid C dialect; 4.1 Measuring lexical frequency; 4.2 Lexical frequency and th-fronting in the North Mid C dialect; 4.3 Lexical frequency and BIT variation in the North Mid C dialect; 5. Conclusions; References; Dialect areas and linguistic change; 1. Introduction; 2. The Standard Spanish paradigm and the dialect phenomena known as leísmo, laísmo and loísmo
3. Ibero-Romance dialect grammar in the Audible Corpus of Spoken Rural Spanish4. The paradigms in the North; 4.1 The Eastern Asturian paradigm; 4.2 The Basque Spanish paradigm; 4.3 The Cantabrian paradigm; 5. The Centre paradigms; 6. Discussion and conclusions; 6.1 The paradigms from a linguistic and social typology perspective; 6.2 Difussionist models and historical reconstruction; 6.3 Final conclusions; References; The role of implicational universals in language change; 1. The sedentary-Bedouin split in dialects of Tunisian Arabic; 2. Data
3. The connection between pronominal and verbal marking4. Contact-induced change; 5. The search for explanation; 6. A proposed hypothesis; References; On the genesis of the German recipient passive -- Two competing hypotheses in the light of current; 1. Introduction; 2. Two competing hypotheses on the genesis of the recipient passive; 3. Results and problems of historical corpus analyses; 4. Kriegen in the light of current dialect data; 5. Summary; References; Paths to tone in the Tamang branch of Tibeto-Burman (Nepal); 1. Introduction; 1.1 Reconstruction and variation inter- or intra- dialect
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9789027273475 ( electronic bk.)
9027273472 ( electronic bk.)
9789027205957 ( Cloth)
9027205957 ( Cloth)
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Print version: De Vogelaer, Gunther. Dialect Laboratory : Dialects as a Testing Ground for Theories of Language Change., Amsterdam : John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2012 9789027205957
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
Studies in language companion series


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