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cover The abstraction of landscap...
The abstraction of landscape : from northern romanticism to abstract expressionism ; in memoriam Robert Rosenblum (1927-2006).
Fundación Juan March 2007.
Catálogo de exposición.


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Título uniforme:
La abstracción del paisaje : del romanticismo nórdico al expresionismo abstracto. Inglés
The abstraction of landscape : from northern romanticism to abstract expressionism ; in memoriam Robert Rosenblum (1927-2006). / Fundación Juan March.
[Madrid] : Fundación Juan March, 2007.
Descripción física:
271 p. : [181] il. (col. y n.) ; 34 cm
Foreword -- Acknowledgements and lenders -- a chronology of artists -- The parts and the whole / Werner Hofmann -- I. The romantic landscape of northern Europe: from Friedrich to Constable. At the cradle of Romanticism. Caspar David Friedrich's seasons of 1803 / Hein-Th. Schulze Altcappenberg -- II. North America: the nature of the sublime from Cole a Bierstadt. The american landscape and the mutable sublime / Barbara Dayer Gallati -- III. The northern romantic tradition and abstraction: landscape between the centuries: from Van Gogh to Ernst -- IV. The spirit of landscape and total abstraction: from Newman to Rothko. The abstract sublime / Robert Rosenblum -- Mark Rothko's "the romantics were prompted..." / introduction by Miguel López-Remiro -- V. The postromantic landscape / Kiefer, Richter. Anselm Kiefer: german landscape, universal spirit / Cordula Meier -- Gerhard Richter : blurry landscapes/ Dietmar Elger -- Epilogue. "As though you wore born on the first day of the Book of Genesis or as if you were the last person on earth..." / an interview hith Robert Rosenblum -- Appendix. Imaginatio Borealis : a cultural topography of "Northernness" / Bernhard Teuber, Olaf Mörke, Víctor Andrés Ferretti -- Catalogue of works -- Selected bibliography -- Credits
2007, 5 de octubre - 13 de enero de 2008. Fundación Juan March, Madrid.
Inglés. Existe también edición en castellano.
Traducción de: La abstracción del paisaje : del romanticismo nórdico al expresionismo abstracto.
Copyright/Depósito Legal:
M 41822-2007(edición en inglés)
978-84-7075-549-1 ( Fundación Juan March).)
978-84-89935-75-4 ( Editorial Arte y Ciencia)
Fundación Juan March ( Madrid)


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